Bradford Fencing Club Membership

Welcome to the Bradford fencing club website. We meet on Tuesday evenings at Thornton Recreation Centre from 20.30 through to 21.30.
Additional days and hours are usually announced at club sessions.

Club Membership is paid annually and in advance. Pro-rata payments are accepted for new members joining mid-year, each new year starting 1st October.

Costs are £24 per person, irrespective of age. Reduced rates are available for members joining from schools where demonstration events have been made.

See Coach Tim Noble for application forms and details of payment

British Fencing Membership

We encourage club members to also affiliate with British Fencing - For full benefits see the Competition page.

To enter a competition full membership with British Fencing is required, although there are other benefits to joining.

Membership is for a calendar year, rolling on on the anniversary of joining (email alert) and is best organised online before you need it, but only just before, to get the best out of it.

Click here to join or renew membership with British Fencing

Principles of the Salle


Safety comes first ...

Halt means stop. Stop whatever you are doing and listen. Halt may be called by a Referee of a bout, by the Coach or by anyone who spots something potentially dangerous. Stop, stand still and listen.

Walk. Do not run. Never walk across a piste when someone is fencing and do not walk too close behind a fencer who is engaged in fencing.

Never point your weapon at anyone not wearing a mask.

Respect & Honour

Respect your Coach, your Officials, volunteers and your fellow fencers.

Follow the rules of fencing etiquette, saluting each other and the Referee at the beginning and the end of a bout. Shake hands at the end of a bout.

Be honest and play fairly. If you are asked to fence, do so to the best of your ability. Acknowledge fair hits during play and congratulate your opponent on a well played hit.

Rules of the Salle

When you arrive and before you leave, help out with laying out the club equipment and with putting it away.

Lessons are given by Coaches. Approach a Coach at the beginning of the session and ask if they can fit you in for a lesson - priority is given to new fencers, that is fencers who have completed the previous beginner's class, and to fencers who have a competition forthcoming.

Fence along the gym length, observing where the electric pistes are situated and do not encroach into each others space.

On electric equipment, play "Winner Stays On" for a maximum of two bouts; so, if you have won a bout, stay on but do come off if you have won two in a row. Fencers who come off the piste are encouraged to referee the next bout.

All three weapons should use electric equipment: foil, epee & sabre, so Foilists, be prepared to vacate a piste to give Sabreurs some electric time. Epeeists, do not hog the electric equipment!

Mix it up! It is fun to fence everyone - everyone is different. You will learn a lot from fencing different people, so do not stick to just fencing people that you know.

If anyone is not fencing, ask them to fence.


AGM 2023

AGM 2022

Club Protocol during COVID-19

AGM 2021

AGM 2020
Secretary Report 2020

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